Love and friendship is an interesting thing, as time goes by life together unfolds and unravels the different depths of each others personality and soul....forming bonds that can last a lifetime....
You get to know each others little quirks and mannerisms, and those are the things the either endear you to each other..or the very things that dissolve love
Perhaps we choose our friends much more wisely, finding them in places of mutual interest, while we jump into a relationship with someone we notice in a random place and choose them based on attraction only...Sometimes with someone that we would absolutely never ever choose as a friend....and yet friends do fall in love with each other......conundrum...
I feel strongly that love just happens, you cant force it, you cant develop it from a friendship..its just there... from another time, another place, perhaps it existed in heaven with a promise to find each other...I see couples that are so obviously meant for each other and when I ask them how they met, it is always the very same story..."oh we just knew right from the start that we belonged to each other" no long term friendship, no chemistry, just a knowing...and that knowing caused the chemistry, and the chemistry turned into friendship......
Personally.....I want to drown in love, be pulled under by it....lost forever in the dark blue sea of it...and I will gladly dive down deep into the deepest depths of hell to burn up in it...........