So this years theme for the IACP...'International Association for Culinary Professionals' is on the fashion of food....How thrilling to be able to attend this event....
As a Fashion conscious Cook, here are a few highlights I am most excited about-
The NYC Opening Party
82 Mercer Street, New York
Friday March 30, 2012 6- 9 pm
Downtown to Soho where food and fashion have always rubbed elbows. Where grub and glam meet haute cuisine. This is a party downtown New York-style, and chic rules the night.
The 26th Annual Awards Ceremony and After Party
Monday, April 2, 2012 6-10 PM
Times Center
242 West 41st Street, New York
IACP has recognized outstanding culinary professionals since 1986. On April 2, we will continue this tradition by honoring seven categories of excellence in the culinary world. Please join us for the 26th Annual Awards Ceremony, hosted by Mo Rocca from the Cooking Channel’s Food(ography) and correspondent for the CBS Morning Show.
This year’s Award Ceremony will be held in the glamorous new Times Center Theater and Gallery. The Awards Ceremony will be immediately followed by an After Party in the Times Center where we will celebrate with the winners and honor all finalists.
We do request that you dress fabulously “in fashion.”
Bon Appetite - S
Christian Laboutin picture - Courtesy of French Vogue
Sandra Harvey Designs - courtesy Michael Segal...