Writing Trizzella, has been my own journey and awakening, she is taming me in a way, and I have learned to count on her to always be there for me. She has changed from girl to woman to teen to adult in stages of the writing, but one thing never changes, she always stays distant from the realities of the world, going about her days wistfully in charge of her happiness...
I find that I can write to her during my
saddest moments like a little girl asking to be reborn to live
another life. Perhaps that is why Writers write the stories they do,
a self therapy session with their characters. Yes the characters in many stories are deeply personal, and very real to the Authors who give life to them. During the darkest days
of my life, the early death of my husband, I could pour out my
sadness and pain to her, and know she always was willing to sit beside me as I
cried, urging me to write out similar emotions.
In the writing of her, I have realized that I still am very much a little girl inside, just like all little girls longing for love and acceptance and a place in the world.